Rain in Summer

It’s been a while since the last blog post I made, writing this while in the rhythm of the falling rains. It is summer season here in the Philippines, we started to feel the heat during the month of March. Summer but raining, I know right? Today is Sunday and the rain is still pouring  yesterday. It hasn’t stopped yet.  Before the rain happened, it was very, very hot, well, I don’t know if you guys can feel it too. Let me know if you have the same feeling. But still, I am very thankful that of rains because it gives us a cold environment, taking a pause from the heat, especially that we are  weekend days. The sky is gray, Mr. Sun is not showing and no heavy winds.  To be honest, my perspective of being productive was changed or let’s say updated. I used to describe it by accomplishing major tasks; going outside to buy something, cleaning, cooking, washing clothes and etc. But now, it has been two days today, I did nothing of those mentioned tasks. I haven’t taken a shower yet, honest t

What Is Your Best Piece Of Advice About Life?

What is your best piece of advice about life? Everyone relates to this. Each of us has a lot of happenings in life. A person right now might be in a situation of struggling while other is just chilling.

If you are following on my social media accounts, I posted the question and I am glad and thankful that some of my friends are very supportive and answered it. What makes it more amazing is that they are not afraid of sharing of what they have learned and it's helping a lot of people especially in today's generation.

So, I listed few of those who answered my question and give some comments about it. Happy reading!

1. Do good of your life and do not let anyone ruin your dream(s). Push it and be happy!
 - @terinasan

Always do good in your life, I know there are different ways of defining doing good. But please if you think that it is good then keep it up.

2. Enjoy it... YOLO (You only live once) - @bestkaren17

Life is too short and should enjoy every single moment of it.

3. Do not tell your parents how much is your salary else they might demand if they feel it huge. - @maggiegelz

Hahahahha this is so funny, I don't know with the others but my parents knew my salary. They asked money but I think it's okay because I can feel that I am responsible daughter to them. char hahahah

4. Life is a matter of choice. - Vj

This is listed as one of my personal favorite quotations. There are just people who always wanted you to do this like this, like that or whatsoever. The worst thing is that they are not my parents. I know, I also listened  to what's the surrounding is telling about me but when you are force and sometimes they would not accept my response, which is opposite to what they have expected, then get mad at me. Lol it's a different story anymore. You have your life and I have mine. I am not like you and you are not like me. 

5. We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one. - @ayisharu

Because you know it was you, it was the best.

6. Think positive. - Khyz

 A positive personality waits for happiness, health and a happy ending in any cicumstances.

7. Be vulnerable.

- This is mine. I am not afraid of showing to people that I am crying over my problems. For me, it is my best way of letting out all the pain, stresses and struggles. We are just human, we feel happy and sad. Being vulnerable is telling the world that we are imperfect and we should accept of who we are. Don't be afraid to show the real you.

Hey Reader! I hope you enjoyed! I know you have your piece too, comment it below. Thank you :)


  1. AHA AKONG ADVICE??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hahaha disclaimer! Kang Doctor bitaw na nga advice dzai, di na ako ahahahhahaha


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